4/14/22 Premiered - Hold thy peace and come out of him (To the angel of the church of Thyatira: Part 3)

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Grab your bibles and let's get it in...Especially now as we live in these last days before the return of the Beloved Messiah Son of the Living God. Delving into the gospel based topics for the improving of the walk in "THE WAY" is the main focus. Now while it is recognized that we all have different tastes and preferences, there are certain guidelines and principles in the Truth, that identifies one as a believer. As we seek to expound on some of the mysteries in the scriptures and to be a light, we seek also to bring others into way of salvation as a means of preparation for the Kingdom of God. This is not possible unless there is a renewal of your mind - through repentance!

The Scriptures
for Thyatira part 3 (Hold thy Peace and come out of him)

Mark 1:25, 2nd Esdras 2:44, Genesis 49:5, (Ecclesiaticus) Sirach 32:15, Exodus 20:13,3; Genesis 3:17-19, Deuteronomy 29:29; Revelation 2:12-14,
Numbers 31:16, Joshua 10:13, Jasher 85:52-61, Proverbs 17:1, Numbers 11:4,33-34, Wisdom of Solomon 15:14-16:6, Psalms 106:14,15, 23-29
Leviticus 17:1-7, Judith 11:12, Genesis 1:29-30, Acts 20:25, Barnabas 10:9-12 (Leviticus 11), Hosea 8:11-13,14; Mark 7:7-10; Romans 14:21, 1 Corinthian 8:4-13
Revelation 2:20-24, Joshua 12:4, Wisdom of Solomon 14:31, Sirach 19:13, Matthew 22:29, Matthew 7:7, 1 Timoth 4:3, John 3:29, Revelation 22:17, Acts 11:5-18


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